We are almost closing out the end of 2013 … well the boating and camping season. It has definitely been a great year, with a lot of changes.
First, it’s been the first time we have had an official FIMBC website. And we heavily used the existing FIMBC Facebook page to reach not only Boat Club Members, but also the general public that love to attend our events and fundraisers. It’s been evident that this method of communication is working due to high attendance of events and increased activity on Facebook. Don’t worry though, next year we will continue to put out monthly newsletters and quick emails to Boat Club Members.
With this in mind, next year more posts will be done in the Latest News area or this direct link: https://fimbc.org/blog . It may be duplicated information (everyone has their preferred way of getting to news). My goal is to drive more traffic from the Facebook page back to this website. We’ll see how this goes.
Also wanted to let you know about this new area in the website. Look at the bottom left hand corner. You can add your email address and be emailed every time there is new information posted. (This will not include events, unfortunately). No one has access to your email … it’s mailed out through a third party software called, Feedburner.
I appreciate all the appreciative and kind words from everyone throughout the year. Change is hard, but sometimes necessary. I would say that the majority have appreciated the new methods of communication. Next month I will be sending out a 10 question, easy-peasy survey for you to fill out. I hope you will!