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We have TBA of delicious-tasting soup.

Registration will start at 5 pm at the Shelter, with us promptly at the 1st stop at 6 pm!

Join us for our 6th Annual FIMBC SOUPER BOWL! A soup crawl! We’ll start at the Shelter and move to different stops for a bowl of soup. Each stop will have a different type of soup for you to taste. At the end of the crawl, each participant will have the opportunity to select “whose soup tastes the best” and declare a winner.

But wait, you can’t eat soup without a bowl, right?

$20/bowl or $15 per person, show and bring your money!

– All proceeds go towards the French Island Marina Boat Club
– Music and award ceremony will follow at the Shelter
If you are interested in becoming a stop, please contact Nancy Warren or send us a message.

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