What a turn out!!!! A record 100 players showed up. Which of course, meant sheer panic for the organizer (um, that was me). You see the most we have EVER had was 52 players (at least that’s what they tell me, I’ve only been to last year’s event).
So like a true family, everyone pitched in. I have no idea how many people to thank but at one point, we had 20 people in my camper helping stuff envelopes and cards. Pure craziness.
Wish I could say who got first and second, Lori Z? on the first prize? I lost the note I had, so if someone knows please tell me.
Afterwards, we had one of the best Karaoke parties we’ve had in years down here. Everyone sung. Non stop. GREAT job Nancy … this is what I remember the river to be like when I first started coming 6.5 years ago. It was awesome!
Special Thanks to …
Sheila Thomas, Melissa Roe and Sherrie Stroud. Hands down, thank you so much. We needed a drink after this event. Also those who pitched in and helped in a pinch: Gene Stroud, Clinton Hadley, Robby Fark, Mark and Bonnie Hayden, Lee Ann Kirby, Barry Daniels, Jana Kohman, Marcia Cobb, Kevin, Marshall Hadley, Christopher Stroud, Kodi Leister and all the people who donated last minute cards and envelopes.